episode 48 - Win or Learn: An Interview with Swag.com CEO, Jeremey Parker


Episode Summary

To succeed in this commercial environment full of prospective competitors, you must stand out with your own plan and abilities that involve knowing your customer’s ultimate need.

In this episode, Jeremy Parker, CEO, and Co-Founder of Swag.com, an online marketplace that offers a broad variety of customized branded products, discuss how you can utilize your customers' interactions as a component in expanding your business by understanding their needs and demands.


  • [03:34] How Jeremy went from being a filmmaker to an entrepreneur

  • [5:30]  Many people block advertising at all costs but are receptive on receiving product

  • [6:44] Origins of Swag.com and its rapid growth over the past four years

  • [08:18] Recent innovations in types of swag offered to companies

  • [10:10] How companies like Facebook and Allbirds are using promotional products

  • [11:15] What eCom brands, Brooklinen and Marine Layer did create a new revenue channel for their business besides DTC.

  • [13:30] Promo products is extremely competitive industry. What Swag.com did to separate themselves from pack?

  • [17:40] Jeremy's creative ways to survey and poll potential customers as a means to iterate the Swag.com platform.

  • [25:48 ] Swag.com’s techniques to determine precisely what their customers want.

  • [30:10] What is Jeremy's future vision for Swag.com?

  • [32:05] Favorite entrepreneur phrase: "No means Yes at a later time"

  • [35:01] Worst entrepreneur phrase: "Fake it til you make it"

  • [38:12] The best "Alpha" for those that are in  the Digital Marketing business

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episode 48 - Win or Learn: An Interview with Swag.com CEO, Jeremey Parker