
Episode Summary

On this episode, we focus on the medium that everyone's raving about though many brands are not sure how to capitalize on yet. Our guest Jessica Rhodes, the creator of the first podcast booking agency, Interview Connections, walks through how thought leaders and retail brands can leverage guest appearances on podcasts in order to acquire new business. She's a unique authority since she's booked over 3,800 shows and been doing this since 2013.

Jessica Rhodes created the podcast booking industry in 2013 when she founded Interview Connections, the first and leading agency of its kind. Along with her business partner, Margy Feldhuhn, Jessica's quickly scaled or coming to over $1 million in annual revenue with nearly no direct marketing or paid advertisement. She is the author of Interview Connections. How to Rock the Podcast From Both Sides of the Mike and has been a featured speaker at PodFest and FinCon.  Interview Connections has over 120 clients and Jessica has appeared on over 450 shows as either a guest or a host.


How businesses can leverage podcasting whether it be guesting on podcasting, hosting your own show or advertising. And the benefits to each approach.

  • [5:55] Why podcasting is a unique medium. Jessica shares how Gary Vaynerchuk explained during a demonstration uniquely why podcasts are so popular.

  • [9:45] Where business can start to get more involved with Podcasts. The advantages of guesting on a show, or creating a podcast or advertising on undervalued podcasts.

  • [12:23] The benefits of being a podcast guest. Brand awareness and relationship building and how connecting with people thru the podcast had led to new opportunities for others.

  • [13:40] The important distinction between Sales and Marketing. And how podcasting fits into the buying cycle.

  • [15:50] Podcasting guest 101s. Where to start. The important of coming up with goals and then, researching shows to find ones that are truly your audience. Developing a podcast one-sheet where you provide hosts with an introduction to your expertise and with questions that they can ask you.

  • [18:26] Jessica describes podcast audience sizes. Why guests should target niche shows and not just aim for the highest shows as the biggest audiences are not the “end-all, be-all”. (Similar to how huge influencers vs micro-influencer and nano-influencers work)

  • [20:48] An explanation of the podcast pitching cycle – how long it takes to get on a show from approaching hosts to the podcast episode being recording and going live.

  • [22:25] Why consistency of appearing on many podcasts is one of Jessica’s favorite strategies. How it works like retargeting and keeps you in people’s heads.

  • [24:45] How podcasting content can be repurposed to social media and other brand content and save a business time from content creation.

    [28:15] Can you pitch podcasts yourself? What are the advantages of working with a podcast booking agency like Interview Connections?

    [31:55] Jessica reviews how podcasting fits into an overall digital marketing strategy and its key value: humanizing the business and sharing the founder’s story. Also, providing free content.

    [35:15] Podcasting, micro-celebrity are discussed. Plus Stephen and Jessica’s mutual admiration of certain podcasts. Stephen and Jessica’s business partner Margy Feldhuhn are outed as “murderinos” 😂 – fans of the popular My Favorite Murder comedy podcast

    [36:45] Jessica makes 2020 predictions on the state of podcasting.


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